It is winter in Kiruna from November to March when the "spring-winter" begins. To make your winter holiday in Kiruna as pleasant as possible, we want to give you some good advice on how to dress when being outdoors.
Dress according to the layer-on-layer principle when you go out. Air gaps between the clothes both insulate and ventilate. Underwear in wool, terry or microfleece will keep you warm even if you become damp. Wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet (whereas cotton binds moisture).On top of that you'll need one or two thick sweaters, preferably wool or fleece sweater or both, and then a windproof jacket or overall. If you're going to be out all day, you will need more clothes than you can imagine! Freezing is not fun...
Do not wear socks made of cotton closest to the foot - then there's a great risk that your toes will get very cold quickly. Instead, choose a pair of thin woollen socks. On top of them take one pair of thick socks, preferably two. And remember: You'll need a bigger shoe than usual!

You can borrow suit, shoes, gloves and hat from us when you choose Giron Reindeer activities. We also have some extra winter clothes for children.
During our activities we'll be outside for a couple of hours and then sit by the open fire in a tent or a hut.
If you will stay out all day, for example on a snowmobile or a dog sled tour, you might need even more layers to stay warm when it is -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit) outside. A tip is to use leg warmers on your arms and knees. Reindeer skin is excellent on a seat or in the sled.